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enterprise engagement

Business Sponsors

Opportunities for Solution Providers:

A Complete Solution for Profiting From the Emergence of Engagement

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Overview Sponsorship Levels

Thought-leadership, content marketing, and lead generation--a low cost way for solution providers to target and build relationships with qualified buyers.

By providing thought leadership, content marketing and lead generation opportunities and consulting, training and certification services, The Enterprise Engagement Alliance provides a unique opportunity for the growing number of solution providers seeking to profit from the emergence of the Engagement field, such as:

Enterprise Engagement is a growing field that focuses on achieving organizational goals by fostering the proactive involvement of not just customers or employees, but distribution partners, vendors, and communities. Enterprise Engagement differs from 20th century strategies by aligning communications across multiple audiences in the organization and by utilizing key engagement tactics in a more integrated fashion to get measurable results.

Many large companies are putting high-level management in charge of engagement. For many, the key challenge for the marketing, sales, corporate communications, human resources, and operations management involved is finding a formal proven framework and implementation roadmap as is available in most other professions.

The EEA offers solution providers interested in this growing field a unique way to expand their business by identifying and building relationships with potential prospects and acquiring a new perspective on how their own tools can work with other Engagement tools for better overall affect.

Sponsorship Levels

EEA Sponsorship Program for Solution Providers  
Thought Leadership, Content Marketing, Lead Generation

The Enterprise Engagement Alliances offers three basic sponsorship levels as well as customized business development strategies for Engagement Solution providers:

1. EEA Advertising program—starts at $2,500
Ability to run advertising on the portal and e-mail newsletters based on your area of business; includes ability to publish approved white papers for thought leadership and search engine optimization. Annual programs start at $2,500.

2.  EEA Regional sponsorship program—starts at $2,500
Sponsor an Enterprise Engagement Alliance curriculum and certification seminar in your area on a semi- or  exclusive basis to get face-to-face with prospective clients.

3. EEA Semi-Exclusive Topic Sponsorship--$5,500 per year—up to 3 sponsors
An integrated marketing plan that associates your brand with the Enterprise Engagement Alliance learning and certification program related to your company’s area of expertise, so that practitioners engage with your brand precisely when they are learning about your organization’s area of expertise. The package includes:

4. EEA Exclusive Topic Sponsorship--$10,500; no other sponsors

Ask about targeted business development strategies including database development; email newsletters;  telephone lead generation; customized webinars, search engine optimization and other support services.

Contact Nick Gazivoda at or 914-591-7600, ext. 239.

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