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M otivation

By Monica Hedden, Marketing Specialist,
Dittman Incentive Marketing

A Millenial's Perspective

on Motivation at Work

ost people have heard of Millennials. from a typical Millennial, most of us didn’t grow up
You know, the age group that was born in afuent suburbs where our parents had the capital
Mbetween the 1980s and the 2000’s; children to spoil us. The values imparted to us, however, were
of Baby Boomers or Gen-Xers, defned by their use of prety much the same across the board: be successful
technology and their upbringing? Well, you should know in your profession and make a good life for yourself
about them, considering they’ll soon make up over 50% and your family.
of the workforce. Most organizatons are trying their It took a while to decide exactly what we wanted
best to recognize the rise of this group and are thinking to do with our lives. College years were spent working
about how to “handle” them in their organizatons. hard to earn a degree in a feld we were passionate
Companies are – or should be – learning as much about. We wanted to fnd the perfect career path,
as they can about this generaton in order to prepare for something to be proud of. The expectaton was that
the Millennial “take over.” What do they expect? How we would leave college and immediately fnd an
do they work? What does this mean for the rest of us? opportunity that allowed us to use our degrees and
Companies are doing research, atending seminars, and land a promising positon. Our parents didn’t want us
to struggle, but wanted us to work hard. It all pays of in
trying to prepare for this new wave of young people the end, right?
that will inevitably take over the workplace.
So, instead of trying to fgure out the minds of I WANT TO WORK
these twenty-somethings everyone is talking about, Being successful in a well-paying career is very
here’s a litle insight from yours truly about Millennials important to our generaton. Ofen, we will hold out
and having a job in today’s workplace. for the perfect opportunity to come along before
setling for a job that would make us unhappy.
I AM FOCUSED AND DRIVEN Millennials leave college with an average of $30,000
Let me explain a litle bit about our generaton and in student loan debt. We are living with our parents
higher educaton. We grew up in a world where our longer, have more fnancial responsibility right out of
parents wanted to make sure our lives were much college, and are eager to start making money because
beter than theirs. Unlike what you might expect of this debt.

continued on page 21

10 engagement strategies Vol.18 Issue 2
10 engagement strategies Vol.18 Issue 2
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