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EEA Demo Shows How People Value Impact Calculator Measures the Impact of HR, Marketing, and Other Engagement Efforts

Published: Jan 9, 2024

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance has teamed up with TM Evolution, a compensation and work life people analytics company, to create a practical way for almost any size organization to analyze the impact of investments in all stakeholders consistent with the new European Union Corporate Sustainability Directive. Click here to view the demo or scroll down ... [ read more ]

Insight: How Corporate Communications Firms Unleashed the Anti-ESG Firestorm

Published: Nov 15, 2023

A look at the history of the anti-ESG (environmental, social, governance) firestorm suggests a lot of it was the legitimate response to corporate greenwashing encouraged by corporate communications firms that failed to anticipate the backlash and the inevitable rabbit hole that opened after CEOs started speaking out on politics, social, and religious issues. Here’s an overview of what happened and how the damage is getting repaired.... [ read more ]

EEA YouTube Show: Impact Investing Is Not a Tradeoff

Published: Sep 16, 2024

This 30-minute show with experts in impact investing will go beyond the hype to discuss whether impact investors should expect decreased returns in favor of supporting organizations that believe shareholders are best served by addressing the interests of all stakeholders. ... [ read more ]

Large ETFs Have One Year to Comply With SEC Anti-Greenwashing Rule

Published: Sep 5, 2024

The European Union and Canada are not the only major economies going after greenwashing. New Securities and Exchange Commission rules will make it much more difficult for ETS to market themselves as sustainable or ESG (environmental, social, governance) investments.... [ read more ]

Meaningful Meetings: Jesse Ferrell on Communications, the Platinum Rule, Self-Assessment, and More

Published: Sep 5, 2024

This Enterprise Engagement Alliance series on meaningful meetings kicks off with Jesse Ferrell, Founder of JessTalk, a public speaking and advisory firm focused on helping organizations reach higher levels of performance through better communication across the enterprise. This series focuses on speakers and innovative formats to accomplish connections impossible to achieve on video events. ... [ read more ]

EEA Live YouTube Show Sept. 3--Impact Investing--Alpha or Trade-Off?

Published: Aug 28, 2024

This 30-minute show with experts in impact investing will go beyond the hype to discuss whether impact investors should expect decreased returns in favor of supporting organizations that believe shareholders are best served by addressing the interests of all stakeholders. ... [ read more ]

How to Spotlight "Dark Matter" in Accounting

Published: Aug 28, 2024

A professor of law and Co-Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission Working Group on Human Capital Accounting Disclosure offers a practical way to better account for the significant amount of organizational value unaccounted for under traditional accounting practices. ... [ read more ]

EEA Launches Meaningful Meetings You Tube Show Series

Published: Aug 21, 2024

Consistent with its effort to promote more purpose-driven interactive meeting and incentive travel design, the Enterprise Engagement Alliances RRN media platform is launching a new series of feature articles and YouTube shows on reimagining meetings and incentive travel by making them more purposeful, interactive, meaningful, sustainable, and measurable. ... [ read more ]

New Report Highlights Early EU CSRD Reporting Formats

Published: Jul 15, 2024

A coalition of European Union not-for-profits dedicated to promoting sustainable business has published a useful guide for early adopters of the new European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive that provides a useful overview for any organization embarking on meaningful disclosures. ... [ read more ]

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